Modern people prefer to buy or rent Bellevue WA apartments for their residences. Their reason is affected by some factors. For example, apartments are more practical because various facilities are already available, including a maintenance service, security system, pool, fitness center, and many more. Moreover, the availability of land to build a house is getting more and more limited. If you are interested in living in an apartment instead of homes for sale under 200k, check the advantages and disadvantages first.
Advantages of Living in an Apartment
Strategic Locations
Property developers usually choose to build apartments in strategic locations near offices, education, and government centers. Property developers definitely know that the target market of apartments is employees, college students, and government employees who want to live in the area close to their office.
Optimum Security
Most apartments are equipped with optimum security. The security personnel are ready 24/7. Moreover, the apartment manager also installs CCTVs in some areas in the apartment. Every person and every guest who wants to get into the apartment has to pass several steps of security. As you can see, the security system in apartments is highly strict.
Many Facilities Available
Besides optimum security, many apartments are also completed with many, various facilities. For example, a lobby, pool, tennis court, park, jogging track, and even playground for kids. You will rarely find those facilities if you live in a house in residences. Some apartment managers even provide free internet access in certain areas of the apartment.
Disadvantages of Living in an Apartment
Limited Space
The space in apartments is limited, especially if you choose to live in a studio apartment. The space serves as a bedroom, living room, and study room at the same time. You can choose an apartment unit with a balcony, but the price is surely more expensive. If you want to live in an apartment that feels like a house, there are penthouses, which is the most expensive type of apartment.
Pricey Maintenance Cost
If you rent or buy an apartment, the cost does not include other costs. Such as the parking fee, cleaning service fee, maintenance fee, and so on. Different from living in a house, you do not need to pay a parking fee and cleaning service fee.
Those are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an apartment. So, are you interested to live in Bellevue WA apartments or not?